‘IITTHHOONN’ (‘at home’ in Hungarian) was a site-specific performance created by Dávid Somló and Imre Vass, staged in one of their flats and performed 12 times. The work transformed a bedroom into a stage, creating a space that oscillated between the illusory paradoxes of theatre and home, the abstract and the everyday, the sacred and the mundane.
The second iteration of the concept, titled ‘OOTTHHOONN’ (‘home’ in Hungarian), was performed as a double solo in another of their flats.
How often do you clean your flat? How often do you rearrange your room? What was the longest time you spent in your flat without leaving it? Did it ever happen to you, that you were just about to leave, but then you were just staring at the wall for 15 minutes? Is the personal space an obstacle or an inspiration?
‘IITTHHOONN’ was awarded the Halász Péter Award in 2019 for the best Hungarian experimental theatre,
"The performers/creators are leading the audience's attention with sounds, light and movement in a way that I even loose the details that are right next to me. Dávid are Imre are liberating the word 'home': a bedroom where one can climb around on the top of the furniture like a cat, there are no more obstacles, but maybe it is not even a bedroom anymore.”
Orbán Krisztina, Kulter
"We close our eyes and have an inward journey, then we open them, and we are together in an everyday real, but partially virtual space through sounds. The composition leaves time for us, slowly and gently invites us in, the musician's ear is clearly felt behind it. Someone's stomach is rumbling, we all hear it, but maybe only I know it's mine. We are together and separate, at first alternating, then simultaneously: time passes, but it does not fade away." Ákos Török, Szinhaz magazine
‘In Somló’s piece the seamingly opposing cacophonie of sounds are merging together to a domestic symphony.’ Fruzsina Lilla Németh, Népszava
"Sometimes we throw the audience with soft, sometimes harder objects." Interview with Ákos Török, Fidelio.hu